the infinite space
              to grow  

Kambo Medicine
By Pauline

The Frog Medicine from the Amazone

The Kambo Medicine, or so called "sapo"  is a medicine, which comes fom the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog, from the Amazones.
It is a strong purgative, immune-system boot with immense positive healing effects physically, emotionally & mentally.

The Kambo Medicine can treat various diseases as migraines, cancer, alzheimer or parkinson disease,  fertility problems, organ diseases, chronic pains, rheumatism, arthritis and has showed incredible effect for Lime disease.
The so called zapo (frog )Medicine shows immense effect on the emotional body, as it is working on the energetic vibrational system, cleaning out the layers that have been put upon the body and heart and are disconnecting us from ourselfs, our emotions & truth.
Its healing effects brings you clarity and helps you letting go, of what doesn´t serve you. It resets the body & the mind and opens up the heart. It brings back joy and energy to the life and makes us remember, why we are here for.  It helps to take decision through its immense clarity & truth it brings.
The Kambo Spirit is used to clean out the Panema, which is the negative energy, that accumulates in our physical system over time.

The power of the frog is to connect you with your true self again, with your true call and true desires. And also makes your see clearly & undestand naturally what you don´t need and wish anymore. That is also why it is a great cure for addictions.

The Kambo group session costs 60 Euro. The group session have a size up to maximum 10 people.
The Kambo single treatment session costs 80 Euro and is a one to one session.

If you are interested in taking part in one of our Kambo Treatments or similar please write to: