the infinite space
              to grow  

Seminar Europe

Taita Wairaruna works with the tradition from the Amazon following the teachings of his ancestors. He has been learning for the last 15 years in the Amazonian rainforest with various teachers from the Shipibo, the Ashanica, the Cocama and Quechua Mestize tribes. He has completed numerous plant diets with Master Teacher Plants, following the tradition of his culture.       
Taita Wairaruna sings traditional medicine songs, called Icaros. He plays the guitar, the Andean guitar ¨charango,” different flutes including the traditional ¨quena¨ flute, drums and various other instruments to support his work in the healing ceremonies. 

Pauline has  deepend her work intensely within the last 5 years. She also has had different Master Plant Diets and received her initiation for the Kambô Medicine, with which she works, following the Amazonian tradition.
Pauline supports the works through her Mindset Coaching ability & as well as her tools she received though being a Theta Healer
® and working with the Matrix2Point Method.  Her working experiences as a Life Coach and Kambo praticioner, as well as her training to become traumatherpist, deepens her understanding of the human and his/her healing processes & brings various tools, to make the work a holistic healing work.
Pauline sings and plays the Drum, Ukulele & Guitar.

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