the infinite space
              to grow  

Teddy Navarro
Taita Wairaruna

Teddy comes from the Amazon jungle of Peru. His first academic education was communication sciences. He studied music and sound, as one of his greatest passions. He started his path of traditional cosmoindigenous medicine in his community 18 years ago. He felt so connected to the plant work, that he commited to deepen the learning of indigenous knowledge of different ethnic groups and masters of Peru. With the vocation to serve and the passion for the growth of the soul, the heart and the spirit, this made him a great connoisseur of the master plants and the entheogenic plants, observing the effects on the consciousness, the mind and body of the human being. Furthermore he developed techniques of therapy through music, vibration and frequencies of sound with different music instruments, native and contemporary.
Currently, all this projects are shared and merged with his wife Pauline. Working and growing with her, being in the service of healing works in different areas of emotional and mental health, for those who desire and need it, is what has becoming great part of his life path.

Pauline Lombardi

Pauline, who was born in Germany, felt already in early ages that her true love was her environment. She wanted to dedicate great parts of her life to its protection and preservation and chose to study organic farming (B.Sc.) and Environmental Protection and Development ( M.Sc).
To the same time she felt a deeper call to understand and learn about the healing of the human and the development of consciousnes, as this is deeply connected to our planet and its well being. She dedicated herself to the deeper perception of the human and developed her skills as a Mindset Coach.
Her travels lead her to many places in the world,  seeking for depths & answers, she got a deeper understanding of herself and her paths. In 2015 she came to Peru, where she conitunued her work with traditional plant work from the Amazones . The work profoundly changed her life. She also met her husband Teddy there. In 2016 she received here initiation as a Kambo practicioner and since then she is holding various Kambo Sessions in Europe.
In 2019 she did her apprenticeship to become a Theta Healer® (Basic DNA, Advanced DND, Dig Deeper). In 2020 she became a certified MatrixTwoPoint® Practicioner

Pauline works nowadays as a freelancer for different institutions in the environmental sector. She is building up a little Start Up for organic Superfoods and herbs, imported from Peru.
She  works as a Coach, ThetaHealer®and a Kambo praticioner, holding her clients in different sessions and processes of life transformation.  In 2022 she starded a breath work therpist training, which will be finished and certified in Sptember 2022. 

Today, Pauline and Teddy owne land of the untouched rainforest, where they built their healing Center called Winay Pacha. They have many different medicinal plants growing here, known as Master Plants.
They protect and preserve the rainforest & biodiversity of their land and made it a refugee for many animals & spirirts. The Center is also a place of preservation of the ancient knowledge of the indiginous people.

Together Teddy & Pauline are holding Healing Seminars in different parts of the world.